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UI/UX Design

About Me: Welcome


Looking back on my past, it seems that I always was on a path towards UI and UX design, but didn't realize it until a few years ago. Growing up, I always loved art and design. While attending St. Vincent Ferrer High School in NYC, I was president of my school's chapter of the National Art Honor Society and even took several design classes at FIT during the weekends. In my senior year, I even dropped AP Calculus to take yearbook, of which I became editor-in-chief. However, while deciding which school to attend for my undergrad, I was still lost. I was fascinated with how the human brain processes information and decided to become a Cognitive Science major at SUNY Oswego. After taking my first few programming classes, I fell in love with coding and picked up a CS minor. However, I was still unsure of what I wanted to do with my future until one of my professors suggested UI/UX design. I had finally found my calling, the perfect mix of my artistic interests, my love for CS and most importantly, my quest to understand how humans think and interact with the world.  


After taking a few design classes during my senior year at Oswego, I joined the Master of Information Management and Systems (MIMS) program at UC Berkeley to hone my skills. I came into the MIMS program open and eager to learn anything and everything. I have already learned so much during my first semester while utilizing new design processes, learning how to work within Figma and designing my own unique applications. I hope to continue forward with the same open mind and can't wait to see what the future holds in store.  


When I am not busy designing for the digital realm, I often enjoy more tactile forms of design such as sewing, cake decorating and scrap-booking.  In my free time, I also love to stay active while practicing pilates and kickboxing, going on hikes with my wonderful fiance, Jake, and of course, playing ice hockey. 

About Me: Bio
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